Calculations like this were created with the understanding that the sheet would always be positioned cleanly on the edge of a row and column. For example, if you have a chart, Excel calculates the position where the chart should be displayed based on the distance from the top left cell. To understand why there were issues with positioning objects on the sheet, it’s helpful to know that the position of the sheet (which cell is in the top-left corner of the visible area) is fundamental to just about everything that gets displayed in Excel. One set of issues dealt with the positioning of objects on the sheet, and the other set of issues related to how objects are displayed while you’re scrolling. We found 2 main types of issues as a result of not snapping to the edges and scrolling smoothly. In fact, we learned that this change impacted many things in Excel. It may seem straightforward to smooth things out, but we knew there could be some side effects to not snapping.
#Add offset to smoothscroll code#
After all, it should be a simple matter of removing a few lines of code that causes the sheet to snap. Many who’ve asked for Excel to stop snapping when you’re trying to scroll just a little have also asked why this wasn’t done a long time ago. It provides an interesting peek at the complexities of making even small changes to Excel, which has been around for decades and has so many features.

#Add offset to smoothscroll windows#
If your Windows setting is to move 1 line for each click of the scroll wheel, it will move by line of text rather than by 1 row of your worksheet. If you don’t have a “precision” mouse or touch pad, each movement will be based on the height of one line of text. * Depending on the mouse or touch pad you’re using, you may not be able to scroll one pixel at a time. Second, and most importantly, you can stop scrolling partway through a row or column, and Excel won’t force you to go any further than you want.First, it’s smoother during the scroll when using either the mouse wheel* or the scrollbars (touch screen and touch pad already scrolled smoothly).We fixed the issue by making the scrolling much smoother-there are 2 parts to this update. Many of you requested that we improve the way this works, and that’s just what we’ve done. When you’re scrolling in a sheet with very large cells, the way Excel for Windows snapped to the grid made it hard to view your data. The bold text in row 2 says "We're happy to anounce New in Excel for Windows: Smooth Scrolling". Short video showing an Excel sheet that scrolls and stops partway through row 2, then scrolls to show row 1. In fact, we learned that this change affects many different aspects of Excel, including freezing panes, resizing rows, cutting and pasting, filtering, cell styles, comments, dragging and filling, and more. Though you might think this is an easy fix, simply requiring the alteration of a few lines of code, there’s actually a lot more to it. The main reason for this issue is that Excel automatically snapped to the top-left cell as you scrolled. Note: Not just top and bottom, you can use the same method to scroll to any location of a web page.We’ve heard from many of you that it can be difficult to scroll through a worksheet with large cells and view all the data. When you click the tag, the scrollTop method is called with the anchor links () location and it animatedly or smoothly scroll to that location, taking a sweet time of 1000 milliseconds (instead of reaching the location instantly). The position is the anchor link’s location, which is extracted using the.

This method takes a parameter as position, to where it will scroll, vertically.

Within the animate() method, I have added the scrollTop method. 👉 Here's another animation example in jQuery. You can change the delay to 2000 or more, depending upon your requirement. animate() method for a smooth scroll, with a duration of 1000 milliseconds or (1 second). To give it a smooth scrolling effect, I have written a small jQuery script. Each section has a link or anchor tag with the hash value pointing to a section.Ĭlicking the links will scroll the page up and down. One section is on the top for header and another section at the bottom for footer.